do skillport classes count towards promotion points

Mendenhall Middle School: Home Page Army Skillport Login for Correspondence.
The Army Promotion Points System.
TDCJ-ID PROMOTION BOARD STUDY QUESTIONS. It should be noted that this list is hardly all inclusive, and may contain errors. It is recommended that you become familiar

For Soldiers looking to get promoted in the Army, it is essential to complete Army Correspondence Courses on Skillport, for promotion points. The most promotion
Army Skillport Login for Correspondence.
04.06.2011 · Yes the Skillport Classes count as promotion points, even under the new system. Jeff is right they are 1 point per 5 hours, but you can also get civilian
Register and fly Air Canada and earn up to 1,500 Bonus Aeroplan Miles every time you take off or land at any of the eligible airports
Do the Skillport Correspondence Courses.
I am very confused as to what process should be used to determine what correspondence courses/subcourses count towards promotion points and how to get credit for
Promotion Details
Tips on getting promoted faster from an experienced veteran. Includes link to the Army Promotion Points Calculator.
do skillport classes count towards promotion points
do skillport classes count towards promotion points
Promotion Board Questions - TDCJ..